Saturday, 8 January 2011

no news yet..

sorry for the adoption blog drought...but there has been zero to report...we are still waiting with no word from Thailand after it closed with our papers on their will be a year at the end of February that our papers landed in Thailand...lets pray the silence will be broken soon...

Thursday, 8 April 2010

one month today......waiting waiting waiting

we haven't disappeared...but are still waiting...our papers are still in thailand.....and we are still waiting to hear if the will be accepted and put on the waiting list...or not......its been tricky to stay in peace, as its so hard not knowing what the outcome will be after such a long journey to get to this stage....but thank the Lord for in Him we trust to open the doors and close the doors that he wills for our lives and the adventure of until we hear something....we wait....

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

thailand via dhl.......

it has been a real roller-coaster the last few weeks....our papers have been sent to thailand and received on Monday morning...we have been told to wait and see if they will be a few other people were in the same position as us....whose papers weres just about to be sent when the sudden closure happened.......thailand said they will see how many people are in our position around the world before they make a decision ..on whether to accept our application or we wait.....trusting that God's will be done and He will keep our feet on the right path....

Thursday, 11 February 2010

hi's and lows.....

adoption is certainly a roller coaster....our papers are one step from leaving Stormont to go to thailand to begin the waiting process.....we just had news yesterday that thailand have closed and won't receive anymore applications untill 2011...this has not happened for many years.....we have a window of hope that ours may be allowed through as they are pretty much ready to go...we are trusting God for the outcome and trying to remain in a place of peace that it will all work out for the please join us in prayer that they will go through...

Monday, 18 January 2010

up up and away.....

best news today...are papers are passed at stormont and will be heading to thailand....hip hip hooray!!

Friday, 8 January 2010

our papers are on the move....

at long last our adoption papers have finally made it to Stormont to be prepared to go onto Bangkok.....please pray they go through quickly and get to Bangkok asap....

Wednesday, 9 December 2009

more papers.....

we are not finished yet filling in forms....we have a couple more forms to fill out at the minute so our paper work can go to Stormont to be notarized and translated into thai....can't wait until our file is safely in thailand waiting to be matched........